2018 Yamaha Mt 07. But put the old one next to the new and I can't help thinking the previous machine suddenly looks - and feels - dated and. Steering geometry is indicative of a ride that is eager in the corners and capable of rapid reversals.
Steering geometry is indicative of a ride that is eager in the corners and capable of rapid reversals. Supporting that sporty look is an updated fork and shock with revised spring rates (presumably stiffer, but Yamaha doesn't specify) and damping, plus the addition of adjustable rebound damping at the rear. Ultimate thrills and fun are forecasted with the.
Supporting that sporty look is an updated fork and shock with revised spring rates (presumably stiffer, but Yamaha doesn't specify) and damping, plus the addition of adjustable rebound damping at the rear.
But put the old one next to the new and I can't help thinking the previous machine suddenly looks - and feels - dated and.
Steering geometry is indicative of a ride that is eager in the corners and capable of rapid reversals. Ultimate thrills and fun are forecasted with the. For many it was too soft and.